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Thanks for downloading MyBBPlus!

MyBBPlus is a MybBB "fork". This documentation is adapted from the MyBB (© documentation

These documents will guide you through the process of installing MyBBPlus on to your web site, updating an existing copy of MyBB or MyBBPlus and provide you with a bit of legal preamble we need to include within our product.

License Agreement

The license agreement documents what you can and cannot do with MyBB or MyBBPlus. Before installing MyBBPlus please read the terms associated in the license agreement and agree to them.

Installation Instructions

Follow the instructions outlined in this document to install a copy of MyBBPlus on your server.

Upgrade Instructions

To upgrade your existing copy of MyBB or MyBBPlus on your server to this release, please follow the following instructions.


We’d like to thank a few people for helping us make MyBB and MyBPlus possible. The above page outlines some of the people who are (or were) have been associated with MyBB in the past.